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Posted by helen on Tue 1 Sep 2009 at 14:16

Denny has introduced me to 10:10, a scheme through which individuals and businesses pledge to reduce their emissions by 10% in 2010:

Everyone's looking for something to do about climate change. What's needed is something straightforward, immediate and meaningful. I think I've found it.

Today I joined thousands of individuals and organisations from across the country to unite behind one simple idea: that by working together we can achieve a 10% cut in carbon emissions during 2010. It's called 10:10, and everyone can be a part of it.

Cutting 10% in one year is a bold target, but for most of us it's an achievable one, and is in line with what scientists say we need right now. By signing up to 10:10 we're not just promising to reduce our own emissions -we're becoming part of a national drive to hit this ambitious goal country-wide. In our homes, in our workplaces, our schools and our hospitals, our galleries and football clubs and universities, we'll be backing each other up as we take the first steps on the road to becoming a low-carbon society.

To find out more and sign up go to To read coverage of the campaign from the Guardian go to

I just signed up; it's all stuff I'm trying to do anyway, and if enough people join the scheme, it will help put much-needed pressure on politicians to start meeting targets. The UK started the industrial revolution, we should be the first to visibly start reducing the problems its caused. A lot of political will and an enormous shift in the public consciousness is going to be necessary, but I think it's achievable. And the more countries commit to reducing carbon emissions, the greater a chance we have of persuading the big multinationals to follow suit.