Shocking police violence at football match
As far as I am aware, this shocking incident has not received any exposure on the news but yet again demonstrates the disgusting levels of violence from the police against unarmed football supporters trying to leave the recent football match between Burnley and the Blackburn Rovers on 28th March 2010. The supporters in the film are from Burnley. In my opinion the officers hitting out with their truncheons should be disciplined and sacked.
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I hope the Football Supporters Federation won't mind me copying and pasting their informative comment on the Guardian article, which might answer some questions:
"There is no escaping from the fact that this fixture was always going to be a high risk one. The two sets of fans hate each other and some people will use that hatred as an excuse for criminal activity. . Measures were taken to minimise trouble, with the police insisting all Blackburn fans travelled to the game by coach, with Burnley having to do the same for the reverse fixture earlier in the season. Despite measures taken, there was trouble and arrests made. The FSF have no issue whatsoever with those committing criminal acts being arrested and treated accordingly by the police and courts. Why would we?
At the end of the game some supporters on both sides were slow to leave the ground and were taunting each other with a line of police in the middle of them. I'm certainly not condoning such behaviour but it is no real suprise and should not have been unexpected and I dare say those indulging in such behaviour were confident to do so with a line of police between them. Having said that, I'm also aware that several fans in that group were staying behind to avoid the post match rush outside the ground rather than to indulge in the taunting.
Having spoken to several supporters who were actually there and read many eye witness statements what appears to have happened was that a few fans surged and a police officer was pushed with a supporter falling on top of him. Thereafter the police officer - as seen in the clip - lashed out indisrciminately with his baton, allegedly causing severe brusing to the supporter who contacted us (The FSF) for advice afterwards.
We heard from at least a dozen other fans who expression concern at the policing operation that day, with many more comments on the Burnley forums and while I didn't hear it myself, apparently the commentator covering the match for local radio witnessed the event and expressed horror at how the police were behaving.
Of course that in no way mitigates the behaviour of some at the game and I struggle to find any defence whatsover for anybody who thinks it's big or clever to rip up seats and smash toilets. However, those people are in the tiny minority and the majority of football supporters should not be judged by that behaviour.
As for the supporter accepting the caution, having been held in the cells for some hours, he wanted to get home and, at the time, just wanted it over and done with. Many supporters who contact us for legal assistance and advice tell us the same, they think accepting a caution in some way gets them off and is the easier option that facing court, finding funds to pay for legal representation etc."

Thatcher at the time was wrong in stating `there ain't no society' in an effort, however, to prove her point she went on -aided by her NuLab acolytes Blair and Brown- to create the present ghastly, despotic police state.
They've a lot to answer for and we should ensure they do. e_clear____after_trouble_at_East_Lancs_derby/

Much more shocking in my opinion.. In_The_Face